What would it feel like to trust the Universe? by Gabby B.

If you have read this blog at all you know I love Gabby Bernstein. She is one of my favorites.  If you have never checked out her website YOU MUST – CLICK HERE She has awesome videos and free meditations. I just watched this one today and it really resonated with me. How good would it feel to completely trust the universe. Giving up your need to control everything and just letting it all flow.

Watch it now! xo

I love feedback and discussions, so let me know if this video resonated with you too!


Spirit Junkie

Gabby Bernstein is one of my favourite Spiritual Teachers! She talks the talk and walks the walk. Ill save my speech about how awesome she is for another post, because right now I want to talk about her second book titled SPIRIT JUNKIE.
I really fell in love with this book. So many things resonated with me, and literally helped uplift me. It’s an empowering book, with REAL advice on how to become a Spirit Junkie and transform yourself into someone you love.
It is filled with her personal stories about life, love and spirituality, there are a ton of step by step meditations you can do as well.
It’s a radical road to self-love and miracles. YOU GOTTA READ THIS!

To buy it online click here – Featured Products

